Did you know that indoor pollution is actually worse for you than outdoor pollution is? And according to recent estimates, most people spend more than 85% of their time indoors, in their homes. So when you have a higher concentration of indoor pollution, this can mean that you are constantly breathing it in, as opposed to breathing in clean, fresh and healthy air.
Not to startle you any further, but let’s take a look at some of the known facts about indoor pollution.
- According to the Science Advisory Board of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), indoor pollution is one of the top five risks to public health currently.
- Recent studies that have been conducted have concluded that indoor pollution is anywhere from 30-95 times more present and harmful to your health than outdoor pollution is.
- The American College of Allergists has concluded that 45% or more of all known illnesses are instigated by indoor pollution.
- 90% of all head colds are actually caught while being indoors.
- The costs of healthcare for treating allergies and asthma will be more than $13 billion dollars this year in the US; most caused by poor indoor air quality.
Now that we know some of the underlying facts about indoor pollution, it may have you wondering how you combat it. How do you eliminate and eradicate indoor pollution in your home? No matter where you live, even in Denver, which is a mile or so above sea level and has naturally thinner air because of its altitude, the indoor pollution levels are comparable to nearly anywhere else in the world.
A really great start to reducing the levels of indoor pollution in your home can actually be found with Mother Nature. Yep, there are some great indoor houseplants that will suck up indoor pollution and exhale pure and clean, healthy and fresh oxygen for you to breathe in. To better help you decide, here are ten great houseplants that do just this.
- Golden Pothos Vine: This plant nearly grows itself and requires little maintenance.
- Cast Iron Plant: This plant lasts nearly forever and can grow in terrible conditions with almost little to no light.
- Ponytail Palm: A beautiful fanning plant, it needs barely any water or light to thrive.
- Chinese Evergreen: Lauded for being an excellent purifier plant, it requires low light and minimal water.
- Spider Plant: Great in all temperatures and perfect for a window sill, this plant needs very little attention.
- Lucky Bamboo: A Dracaena, this plant loves poor air and low light, and helps to cleanse the pollutants.
- Snake Plant: As long as you give this plant plenty of light and a bit of water here and there it will serve you well.
- Dracaena: These plants are so easy to grow and some of the best purifiers out there.
- Succulents/Cacti: Not a picky plant, just water it once a month and these species will thrive.
- Bromeliads: Perhaps more attention is required if you really want this plant to bloom, but when it does it will be well worth the efforts.