We received this urgent notice from our friends at Domestic Abuse Project. Because of our close association it made sense for us to help let people know. Please make sure you call the police if you encounter these people at your door.
DAP has learned of a rash of door-to-door solicitations in Minneapolis naming “Domestic Violence Project” as the fundraising organization. In one situation a donor wrote a check for $10 and her bank statement later showed the check had been altered and cashed in for $70. Often the solicitors are children.
DAP (Domestic Abuse Project) does NOT go by Domestic Violence Project nor does our organization engage in door-to-door fundraising at any time. If you receive any suspicious fundraising requests claiming DAP as a beneficiary please contact Sonia Palmer at spalmer@mndap.org or 612.874.7063 x217.
Most of us have the gift of human compassion and unfortunately at times this can be taken advantage of, especially during holidays. Some scammers try to fool people by using names that are very similar to those of well-known charities. Please don’t let this unfortunate reality close your heart or your wallet. DAP, and other organizations, need your support and your willingness to help those in need inspires us and keeps our mission alive.
As you can imagine, support is so critical to DAP at this time. We are seeing a 16% increase in women seeking help in advocacy and a 26% increase in requests for our therapy program. This stretches an already lean staff and you already know about roof problem…
Secure online donations can be made anytime at www.GiveMN.org or sent directly to:
204 West Franklin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404