Race | Money | Power: Start the Conversation about their impact in your life.
Welcome to Race | Money | Power another relevant revelry from Marnita’s Table. Ever wanted to have an authentic conversation in a safe place about the impact and intersection of race, money and power in our community? Well get ready for an engaged dialogue that helps you build delicious understanding.
Race | Money | Power: Start the Conversation about their impact in your life is Saturday, October 15 from 7-11 p.m. at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, 3450 Irving Avenue South in Uptown. From 7 – 9 p.m., there will be three incredible feasts presented by local chefs & apprentices, followed by dessert and dancing lead by our new youth initiative Collective Change.
New this year, Marnita’s Table is featuring a marketplace where you can pre-order Marnita’s Mad Nuts and other exclusive items including Marnita’s Table Serves a Feast / Mastering the Art of Authentic Welcome.
This is our second annual Start the Conversation fundraiser! Over the next year, over 5,000 people will engage in Intentional Social Interaction, including 1,800 youth 13-19 because of your participation in Start the Conversation. In order to keep the Table a free and sustainable resource in the community, we only undertake one fundraising event a year! Your involvement means a youth will be inspired to go on to college, a business leader will find an employee eager and ready to work, a policy maker will get actionable information to improve public health outcomes, an immigrant will feel more connected to the community and a rural isolated citizen will welcome “the other” into the neighborhood. If you want to know more about the work Marnita’s Table does in the world go to: marnitastable.org