Summer holidays are always something that people look forward to all year long. The 4th of July is one of the summer holidays that the whole family looks forward to. This in the holiday with firecrackers, burgers on the grill, and drinks shared with friends and family. This holiday celebrates not only our grand country, but also the family and friends that one has cultivated over the years.
Creating a great 4th of the July party is not hard and does not have to be fancy. Most great celebrations feel very relaxed and almost impromptu. A canopy tent and some folding tables can be enough to provide the guests a place to sit comfortably and having a shaded place to eat. The grill and pre-made hamburgers can feed the masses and by encouraging people to bring a favorite dish, the costs of a large gathering can be lessened.
Fireworks are traditionally associated with the 4th of July. While these can be a great way to celebrate, they can also be dangerous. Be sure to check your local laws to see if fireworks are even legal to use in your area. If they are, be sure to have a fire extinguisher on hand and do not allow children to play with them. Many children have been severely burned because the firework has gone off in their hand or has gone off too close to them.
With so much of the country burning, it may be a good idea to donate the money that you would spend on fireworks to the local fire departments. Many of these fire departments are volunteer companies and could use the support. The parts of the country that are particularly arid can really use the donations as opposed to the fireworks.
Beer is a common beverage at many picnics. These beverages are not hydrating, but they are great for allowing people to relax. In the tradition of supporting our grand country, consider purchasing beer that has been locally made or at least made within the United States of America. These beers can help to stimulate the economy and provides that sense of American pride to the picnic.
The downside to beer is that it is easy to drink too much. It is important to remember to have a designated driver if you are going to be drinking. While it is fun to have some drinks, drinking and driving is not safe and can ruin a wonderful day. Drinking too much can also ruin the experience for everyone, so drink in moderation and be sure to avoid impaired driving.
With these few little hints, a fun filled 4th of July can be had for all. These hints can help keep you safe, keep a few dollars in your wallet and a smile on your face. Have a great 4th of July and enjoy what could arguably be considered one of the best Monday’s in history.