Richard!I woke up to see that you received my “tweet”. I want you to know that EVERYTHING that has come our way in this business is because you decided to reach out (in 1996)! My children have been even more successful than I have! Because you took me to get pictures taken and then walked me in to meet Julie and the Gang, you started in motion a career that has literally changed my life. When we moved to Los Angeles, I was green BUT I had a leg up because of all of the Target bookings in MPLS:-). We hit the ground running and have carried on your tradition of REACHING OUT. I am now seen by my peers as an expert of sorts. Providing information and perspective to those who are trying to break into the business for their children.I KNOW your ears were burning over the years, because I send a thank you your way with EVERY booking!I love everything that you are doing – you run that town 🙂Best,Keri Shahidi