There seems to be a misunderstanding as to what beauty really is now a days. There also seems to be a miscommunication between the real people and the fashion designers out there. Here is how I see beauty.
My Image of What Beauty Is Not
- Beauty is not based upon the size of your clothing, but rather the size of your personality. Now, do not get me wrong. There are some very beautiful, thin, women out there who most people can agree are beautiful. However, not being a size 00 does not mean you are not beautiful. It means that you are not a size 00. Do you really want to be a size 00? There are no curves on the body when you are that tiny.
Beauty is not based upon your brand name. Believe it or not, I can buy fabric and details that will make any $10 pair of jeans look like Prada jeans. Do not make your fashion and beauty choices based on the brand that put them out there, but rather base it on what looks good on you. Yes, there are some brands that are more durable than others and therefore are worth the extra money, but often times the midrange outfits are the best.
Beauty is not based on your skin tone. There are a lot of beautiful people out there who are all different colors. In addition, there are people who have freckles, birth marks and scars that are just as beautiful as the models that walk the runway. There is no color or race that is more beautiful than the others.
- Beauty is not about exoticness. While it is fun to sip on “exotic” drinks and eat “exotic” foods, rest assured most people do not want to do this all the time. It is a treat. Beauty is not about being exotic, it is about being you, as part of a community and culture.
My Image of What Beauty Is
Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin. Yes, most people want to change the way they look. However, wanting a change does not mean that he or she is not comfortable being who they are. It just means that they want to be a better them. Love yourself and your beauty will shine.
Beauty is wearing clothing that fits you. Clothing is just that, clothing. It is material that has been stitched together into different shapes and colors. By wearing outfits that look good on you, no matter who the designer is or what the size is, you can ensure that you look beautiful in the outfit. Remember, buy the outfit to fit you, do not try to fit the outfit.
- Beauty is caring enough about yourself to accept who you are, your flaws and your perfections. No one can honestly look in the mirror and find only beauty or only flaws. Look for both and accept both.
Beauty is being kind, fun and respectful. There is a trend going around with people focusing solely upon themselves. This trend hinders the image of that person by making them appear selfish and ugly on the inside. This can taint the image of the person on the outside. By being kind to others, fun to be around and respectful to those you are around you can be beautiful inside and out.