Adult Acne
It used to be that the only people who ever got acne were young adults. However, as with everything else in this world, that has changed. There are more adults suffering with acne than ever before. This may be due to the changes in the adult diet, the additives in food and water, the pollution or the lack of education in facial care. No matter what the reasons for adult acne are, the truth is that it is on the rise. Treating adult acne can be similar to treating teenage acne. However, for those adults who are looking for a more natural method treating the condition, herbal facial scrubs are a great option. They can help to eliminate acne and provide soft and fragrant skin in its wake.
Herbal scrubs have the benefit of being able to renew the adult skin. As a person ages, their skin shows this age. The use of a scrub can remove the dead skin cells and help to brighten the skin. The addition of moisturizers can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and unevenness. The herbal facial can be a luxurious addition to the pampering sessions. These sessions can be done at a parlor, but the same results with a more relaxed atmosphere can be had at home.
Facials are luxurious. The world is full of stress and stress is bad for a person’s health and wellbeing. Injecting a little bit of luxury is essential to the health and well being of the person. Herbal facial scrubs can provide the individual with many levels of relaxation. There is the calming actions of grinding and mixing the herbs for the facial. There is the relaxing motions of applying the facial. There is the calming scents of the herbs as they begin to work on a person’s face. There is the pleasurable appearance of the individual’s skin after the facial. There is little wonder why the facial has never gone out of style and it has survived through so many different eras.
Relaxation Scrub
2 bars of a soft soap, grated
1 1/2 cups crushed, dried chamomile
1/2 cup crushed, dried lavender
1 cup oatmeal
Combine all ingredients well. Add a small amount of water to create a paste. Store this in an airtight glass container. Use this facial with a small amount of water to provide luminous skin and relaxed feelings.
Cleansing Scrub
1/2 cup ground oatmeal
1/3 cup ground sunflower seeds
4 1/2 teaspoons ground almond
1 teaspoon ground peppermint leaves
Combine all the ingredients. Add a small amount of water to create a paste. If desired, an astringent or commercial face wash can be substituted for the water. Store in an airtight container. Use this herbal facial scrub to provide for a clean and clear face that is well moisturized.