Well, looking outside the window, I have come to realize that yes; Christmas is just about on us. The snow is blowing, the wind is howling and it is cold out. Heading off to do my holiday shopping, I could not help but to notice the number of people wearing Christmas themed outfits. I’m not talking about the little sweater with Christmas bulbs subtly stitched in it; I’m talking about the sweaters with real bells sewn on them and real lights blinking.
Now, I Scrooge you not, I am not against Christmas. I love the holiday. I love giving and getting presents. I love hanging out with people I love and eating chestnuts by the fire. However, I draw the line at Christmas bells in my clothing. Save that for the tree, please! The same goes for the Christmas lights, let them highlight the tree, not the chest.
What I like to see and wear during the holidays are the nice, warm, fuzzy sweaters with presents and bears stitched into them, a subtle little pattern. Another fun Christmas outfit is over-sized sweater. Now, this is not the extra large sweater on the small frame. This is the small sweater that is designed to hit mid thigh on a woman and keep her butt warm during the cold days.
Jeans are another staple during these holidays. Sweats should still remain as night wear or gym wear. Please, sweats are not acceptable at the dinner table. Jeans on the other hand, never go out of style, they are warm and comfortable, and they dry pretty quickly. Jingle bell pants, while novel, are simply not ever appropriate.
The most important thing about dressing these holidays is to keep warm. Most of us do not live where it is still flip flop season. For us, it is all about the winter coat and the boots, the sweats and gloves. Keep warm and be safe this festive time of year.