Everyone wants to be clean and have soft skin. People spend a lot of time washing their body with harsh detergents and chemical laden lotions. However, there is a natural method of getting clean and having that soft skin that is oh, so soft to the touch. Believe it or not, one of the best ways to get clean and soft skin is to get dirty with mud.
The mud that is used to help clean the body is known as clean mud. This mud has been cleaned, purified and disinfected. There is no chance of finding bugs, sticks or stones in the mud. The mud is cleaned of all of the bacterium that could sicken the person or cause some infection. It is also refined so that mud is in a smooth consistency and the dried mud is almost a powder. Most of the mud is made from lava or volcanic rock.
There may also be other benefits to a mud bath other than just soft skin. The mud bath may also offer the person a clear complexion, the elimination of toxins and joint pain relief. These additional benefits of a mud bath have not been proven, but they are often reported by those who frequently enjoy mud baths. They are said to be incredibly relaxing.
Once the mud bath is over, the individual is required to rinse the mud off. This is often done by allowing the person to first take a shower with mineral water and then a mineral water bath or whirlpool. A soft bath towel is provided by the spa for the people to dry off.