Family festivities and friendly parties often involve alcohol. Alcohol has one side effect that is felt after the use of it, the hangover. There are a lot of different ways that are thought to help heal hangovers. Not all of these methods are effective though, take it from me.
- “Hair of the Dog” – This method claims that if you drink the alcohol that you drank the night before, you will be able to ward off the hangover. However, this might lessen the immediate effects of the hangover, but it certainly does not cure a hangover. Instead, you will only feel that much worse later during the day.
- Drink a cup of coffee —This method is a common method that is used by a lot of people. However, while the coffee will wake you up, it will only further dehydrate you. You will feel worse throughout the day.
- Drink pickle juice – The idea is that the vinegar in the pickle juice will help the hangover some how. However, chances are much more likely that the pickle juice will actually cause the person to puke, rather than feel better.
- Cold and hot showers are thought to help with the hangover, and it might help with the person’s smell and alertness, but for curing a hangover, not so much.
- Pain killers like Tylenol and Asprin are thought to be great ideas for hangovers, however, these can cause internal bleeding and this can cause an emergency situation. Pass these up.
- Sleep – Sleep is essential to the body being able to process the alcohol. By sleeping, the body can heal and the hangover can be avoided.
- Water/Juice – Water and juice are great for the body when dealing with the effects of alcohol. The water and juice allows for the re-hydration of the body and the complete recovery from the hangover.
- Move – As hard as it may seem, getting up and moving is a great way to help cure the hangover. It can be one of the best ways to get over the hangover because the moving body can help to metabolize the alcohol.