It has been pretty warm for the past few weeks. This heat is as intense as the winter was this past year. Personally I prefer the heat as opposed to the cold, but both can be equally as dangerous. Just as people can freeze to death in the winter, they can just as easily die in the heat. Knowing how to help yourself and those around you enjoy and protect yourself from the heat is essential to having a good and safe summer. Here are some helpful hints as to how deal with the heat and humidity.
Avoid Too Much Sunshine- Sunburns reduce the body’s ability to cool down. In addition, the process of getting a sunburn or tan can dehydrate the body and lead to overheating.
- Stay Indoors- While it is tempting to allow children to play outside during really hot and humid days, this can cause their bodies to overheat and cause them to get sick.
- Visit Air Conditioners- If you do not have an air conditioner, visit a store or other pubic area that does have an air conditioner. This can make you feel cooler and more comfortable.
Wear Light Clothing- While it may seem counterproductive, if you wear light colored clothing and light material that covers the body you can feel cooler and protect yourself from sunburns.
- Drink Water- While it can feel good to enjoy a cool Coke in the shade, there is one reason this does not actually help you in the heat. Coke has caffeine and that dehydrates you. Instead, drink water, juice or some type of other non-caffeinated fluid.
- Avoid Alcohol- Beer and other alcohol is famous for causing hangovers. Hangovers are caused because the body is dehydrated. While beer and alcohol can help you relax, these drinks can cause you to quickly dehydrate and cause you to be ill.
With these methods of staying cool and avoiding dehydration, you can make yourself feel better. Remember, keep cool and keep healthy.