Who says that video games are just for kids? Perhaps the Wii game console is more geared to that of a family friendly model. But Xbox 360 games are manly, fun and a great freaking time, too! For example, my younger brother, who lives in LA, and I will frequently pit our skills against one another with a hot Xbox 360 video game called NCAA 2011—the newest batch of the EA brand that offers all 100+ NCAAF football teams for my amusement. The best part is talking smack over our headsets to one another as we try to best our teams and battle it out for EA server gamer points, and the bragging rights until our next match.
But there are some other amazing and fabulous Xbox 360 video games that really have me totally and rather haplessly hooked as of late. One game that is on the top of my TV stand is Red Dead Redemption. This game not only is the Grand Theft Auto free-world Wild West equivalent, but then some. The online play, as I have found, is the best part. You can race around huge boards as a number of select characters, of which you can unlock more as you beat gang hideouts and level up—and it really makes it feel like you are a real gunslinger…way back in the day.
The best part: The smack talking! I have found that after a long day’s work, and when I am truly mentally taxed and done for the day, that by merely logging online and hitting up a few friends, and then clearing out huge online boards by snagging headshots is as relieving as downing a few ice cold beers (which I usually will do at the same time). I guess that means I am finding—and avidly enjoying—two forms of escapism here: Xbox 360 video games, and alcohol. I know you can’t drink and drive…and I don’t. But they sure do combine rather nicely when I am in gaming mode!