Fur is beginning to be a big trend again. There has been a 20% increase in fur on the catwalk. We are not talking the eco and animal friendly fake fur; we are discussing the real, off a living animal fur. This trend went away when people remembered that this “luxury material” comes from a living animal that has to die for the fashion, often in very cruel ways.
True, there are plenty of animals that die for the sake of human need or want. The cow and pig are bred and have been bred for our daily consumption. Fish and chicken are not exempt from this either. However, in most cases, our need to eat these animals is tempered with the humane killing of the animal. After all, no one wants to eat from a damaged animal who has been allowed to contaminate the meat in his struggle for life. No, these animals are killed humanely and treated humanely though out their life in most cases. In addition, most of these animals are from America, where we have strict laws as to how the animals are to be treated.
Fur does not have this need for humane containment and killing. What is important in the care of these animals is their coat and that the coat is left intact. This means that the animals are fed food that is tailored to assist in fur growth and care, but exercise and socialization is neglected. These animals are often wild, which means they cannot be humanely euphonized with medication. Since the animal’s coat is so important, electricity and humane weapons cannot be used for the termination of these animals. This leaves blunt force trauma as the only method of snuffing out the animals’ lives in order to obtain this fur.
China is recognized as one of the primary locations for the purchase of fur. China has also been under review for the abuse of animal rights at the same time. There have been a number of reports of the inhumane methods in which they house their food animals and their fur animals. There are even recent reports of animals that are butchered for fur and meat while they were still alive simply to keep up with the demand of the population. Without regulation, the farmers are able to so whatever they want in regards to housing these animals and often the results are deplorable.
Faux fur is the single most humane method of obtaining fur. This is fur that is made out of nylon, a plastic material that is easier to care for and easier to obtain. This material can be made any color or any variety of colors. It can be washed and does not have any animal odors to it. Regular fur needs to be washed in specific and toxic chemicals to maintain its appearance and keep it clean. Faux fur provides jobs for people working in factories but does not require the life blood of a single animal to create. This fur is the fashionable alternative to the horrors of real fur.
Please, before you purchase that jacket or fur trimmed dress, take a look at the materials. If it is real fur, make a fashion statement and walk away. If it is faux fur, not fox, and then feel free to flaunt the beautiful, soft and luxurious material, knowing that it is good for the economy, environment and the animals. Use these stunning outfits to create a true statement for the respect of all life and fashion.