With the push for people to be healthier and lose weight, there are more and more people going to the gym. In addition to people going to the gym, there are more companies creating gym fashions. There are some guidelines a person should consider when purchasing clothing for the gym. These guidelines not only help to keep you looking good, but also help to keep you safe and healthy while at the gym.
A person should not be overly exposed when working out at the gym. This means that they should wear a shirt, shorts and shoes at the gym. This is not only because it is mandatory by law, but because it is safer. There are a lot of germs that can be spread through the contact with gym equipment. The most serious of these is the Staph bacteria. Wearing clothing that covers your body helps to prevent an infection of this bacteria.
When picking out gym clothing, look for pieces that fit your body. The pieces should not overly baggy because this can cause the clothing to snag on the gym equipment. This can hurt you by throwing the weights off balance or not allowing you to set the weights down properly. The pieces should not be overly tight as they will hinder your movements and can cut off circulation to muscles that are demanding more blood to keep functioning.
Sports bras are not acceptable clothing pieces to wear without a shirt. I know that men may like the way they look and a woman should be allowed to show off her sculpted abs, but they are dangerous and inappropriate. The sports bra does not adequately protect the body from viruses and bacteria that is on the exercise equipment. In addition to being a dangerous piece, it leaves very little to the imagination. It can give the impression of a loose woman, even when that’s not the truth.
Short shorts are not acceptable for anyone, man or woman. These short shorts do not cover the legs well enough to protect the body from anything that might be on the exercise equipment. In addition, they simply are not flattering on anyone. Same goes for the skin tight shorts that people wear. Consider wearing something that looser and a little longer at the gym. It will hide areas that you are working on improving and add a little bit of interest to an outfit.
The material of the gym clothing is also very important. The pieces should be made out of a breathable material. The idea of sweat bags and non-breathable clothing may help a person lose weight, but it is all water weight. Breathable material will help a person stay hydrated because it does not cause excessive sweating and it will help a person focus on the exercises being done, rather than the sweat coming off them. Cotton and spandex mixes tend to work great.
Name brands are nice to have; however, they are not necessary at the gym. Having a name brand shirt and shorts will not make you any more of an athlete as having comfortable and cheap clothing. Consider this, you are just going to sweat and work out in the clothing. You can do that and look good in a $10 dollar piece as you can in a $100 dollar piece. It is the end result you are going after, not the outfit. So long as you are appropriately dressed, wearing Danskin over Nike will not matter.