IamMoody supports the charities in the area that do amazing things for amazing people. Once again they are having a Holiday Charity Party. There are 3 charities that will be supported through the festivities that IamMoody will be hosting. One of these charities is the Domestic Abuse Project. This worthy cause works to reduce the potential for domestic violence without eliminating the relationship between the man and woman like so many other domestic abuse shelters do.
This program is a dedicated program that works to stop the violence as it occurs and prevent it from happening again while still supporting the family. This is especially helpful for those women who have children with the man who is abusing them. The program was developed as a response to the women who requested a way to maintain the relationship, but make it better and healthier.
Over the past 30 years, the Domestic Abuse Project has helped thousands of people, couples and individuals, work through the violence and discover how to live in relative harmony. They have taught that no one wants violence in their world and people have to learn how to protect themselves from the violence, as well as how to redirect their anger in a healthier manner.
Unlike other domestic abuse programs, the Domestic Abuse Project does not treat the man as a villain. Instead it recognizes that the violence is a learned behavior and one that can be changed through counseling. This helps to keep families together and it also helps to provide the men with a healthy outlet for their anger. The overall results include healthier and happier families and experiences.
These services are expensive to provide to the public. With this being a community service, the prices for the therapy sessions to the public is very little. This does not mean that the organization is able to afford to remain in operation. Without the support of the general public, this organization may be forced to close its doors. Through events like the IAmMoody Holiday Charity Party, the organization is able to keep its doors open and provide the assistance that the families desperately need to be happy and safe families for all those involved.