Pets are often viewed by people as members of their family. I know for certain that my Pitt/ German Shepherd is a member of my family. She behaves like a daughter and enjoys going everywhere with us. We also enjoy taking her just about everywhere. However, it is not safe for her to go everywhere, especially as the temperatures begin to sore for the summer.
I know it can be hard to leave a dog or cat at home. They enjoy going everywhere with their parents. Many dogs enjoy being in the car and going for rides. Many people feel bad leaving their dog in the home when they get to go out and do things. However, leaving the dog in the car for even a few minutes can be deadly.
Dogs do not sweat. They pant in order to regulate their body temperature. If they are in a car, even with the windows cracked, the temperature in that car can quickly rise to the point where heat stroke can become a serious concern. The dog will not be able to cool himself off and can suffer dehydration, seizures, coma and even death due to excessive heat.
Another dangerous activity that most people overlook is leaving their dog in the backyard for the day. While the dog may be able to pant and even if there is some water in the backyard for the dog, it can quickly become too hot and uncomfortable for the dog to be happy or healthy. This is especially true if there is not a lot of shade in the backyard for the dog. While many people provide dog houses for their pets, the sad truth is that many of these houses are even hotter than the outside sun. If it is a hot sunny day, be sure to bring your dog inside and give him a comfortable place to rest and be cool.
Swimming is the third big danger for dogs. I have a dog who lives to swim. She is a strong and solid swimmer but even she can become tired and not realize that she’s not able to continue on. This can cause the dog to drown. A life vest can greatly reduce the chances of the dog drowning and give her a better chance of enjoying the beach or pool.
No matter what, never let your dog off leash unless the commands heel and recall are perfect with your dog. Dog and car accidents can be greatly reduced if the dog is controlled on a leash and kept off the street. If your dog is able to be off leash, be sure that he or she always wears a collar with identification and a micro-chip is also advisable incase you and your dog are ever separated.