The Great Love Debate 2016 happening in Minneapolis is on. Last night was my first night and I let them have it. There is so much misconceptions male, female, straight, GLBT, black, asian and etc about dating. Just be honest with your partner and most importantly yourself.
We all have to start looking outside our comfort zone for a date. What you think you might not like, you may like. You don’t know unless you try different people. That said don’t be a puppy, be a pitfall in what you want from a partner.
Men like women should also come checklist on date and be honest no mater how how hot she is. I don’t need to tell females this because you already do it. Men…When you go on a date dress to impress. Think about your first date being job interview, because it is.
Lastly… On Tinder have friends help write your profile like I did.
Hope to see you at my other Great Love on January 23, 27, 29 & 30