Imagine my horror when I opened up an email from one of my friends and it featured a very heavy set woman wearing a pair of hot pants and a halter top. I continued to scroll down this email and found several other pictures of people who simply threw on whatever they had and walked into Wal-Mart. I was completely blinded by what people thought was appropriate and what they thought fit them!
I thought about it and remembered what a friend once told me. She said that if the outfit makes you feel good, then you should wear it. I am here, now with proof, that this is not the case. Sites like would not exist if others did not judge you by your clothing. Is it right to judge by your appearance, no. However, there is no other way to make a decision as to if we are going to talk to you or not! You DO NOT have a sign above you that says “I really am nice, friendly and put together.” Instead you have a wardrobe that speaks for you.
One such outfit that I saw on the website was a woman wearing leggings and a little tank top. This in itself is a fashion no-no, but it was the condition of the leggings and tank top that shocked me. Both of them had holes all over them and in the most erotic locations. The woman may have been the nicest person on earth, but dressed as she was, there was only one thought in my mind. Remember, if you wear the uniform, you will be taken as whatever the uniform is, even if you are not that type of person. If you want to be respected, wear a respectful outfit. If you want to be taken as a cheap woman, then dress like it.
How do you avoid getting on a website like People of Wal-Mart? Well, it’s actually not that hard. Before you step out the door, take a good look in the mirror. Do not look to see if it is just an outfit you like, but look to see what the outfit says about you. Just because the outfit is bright doesn’t mean it says that you are cheery. If the cut is haphazard, then the outfit is saying that you are childish, rather than a put together adult. Do not walk out the door with ill fitting clothing or things you would expect to see on a child. Do not walk out with clothing that you would expect to find standing on a corner.
Another common mistake is to wear the wrong gender clothing. Women, men’s jeans may have wider legs and more exact sizes, but they are not designed for a woman’s body. The men’s jeans will make you look like you have a man’s crouch, rather than a woman’s. Men, you cannot fit into women’s clothing. Please stop trying. Please wear gender appropriate shoes and shirts as well. It’s really not hard and it does make you look so much better. Really.