Halloween parties are a tradition! People love the opportunity to get together, dress up, drink and eat candy. Depending upon the group, these parties can get pretty wild too. There are scares, fun, movies and the chance for adults to feel like kids again. I love Halloween parties.
That being said, there are some serious dangers associated with Halloween parties too. There will be many people who find that this party is their last party. It is unfortunate, but true. There are also many people who will be hurt or taken advantage of during these parties. Here are some very easy ways to prevent this heartbreak during what should be a fun and festive holiday.
- Never drink and drive. This is the number one killer of healthy adults and teens inAmerica. Motor Vehicle accidents kill 20% of young adults and alcohol is often involved in one way or another. Want to live longer? Get or be the designated driver.
- Party with those you know. Partying with strangers can be fun, and it can allow you to expand your friend base, but it can also be a danger. You do not know these people, and if you are drinking, it can quickly become a situation where they can take advantage of you.
- Buy your own drinks and take them with you. You think this is only something for women to be concerned with? Well, slipped drugs in a drink can also affect men and lead them down dangerous paths as well. Do not accept drinks that are brought to you and that you’ve not been able to watch the entire time.
- Do not bring valuables with you. Women, your purse should be small and just about empty. Consider packing some money to buy your drinks and food with and identification. Men, same goes for your wallet. Leave the iPod, computer, tablet and expensive watch at home. Jewelry should be kept minimal. Do not present yourself as a target.
- Eat a high protein meal. Yes, eating before the party is often skipped since you are too busy getting ready. However, if you eat a high protein meal, you can avoid getting too drunk and doing something you would regret later. The high protein meal with make you feel full longer and slow the absorption of alcohol in your system.
- Be aware of your surroundings. If you feel uncomfortable with the party or event, leave. Trust your instincts to guide you in this instance. All too often people look back and think “I had a bad feeling about this” and that feeling proved to be correct.
Here at RichardTMoody, we want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. We also want you all to be able to come back and tell us about it. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy this festive holiday. Much love.