Fashion is a common topic of discussion on this blog. Common are the discussions of how to find the perfect fit or the perfect shape. Well, that is all and good, and clothing does make the man, however, technology has recently made its way beyond just function and into fashion.
Pardon if I sound a little shocked, but this just hit me. I just realized that people are upgrading their technology, not because it is obsolete, but rather because it is fashionable. I just noticed how the larger, easier to use iPod Nano has been completely replaced by the harder to use and smaller iPod Nano Touch. I have just discovered that the simple to use cell phone has become a fashion accessory, rather than a phone.
Call me old, call me out of touch, but this is something that strikes me as unique. Never before has technology been considered anything but function. Now it is a matter of being fashionable and trendy. It is no longer a matter of having technology around because it makes life simpler; it is a matter of having it around to make us look better.

Just because I just noticed this does not mean that I have not fallen into this technology fashion. I carry my laptop around and have my eReader out and about with me. I didn’t opt for the iPad, but I do have a beautiful and fashionable reader. I searched for the perfect laptop bag, even though rarely do I need it. I have my headphones and my iPod, just like everyone else, and I even look down on the cheaper versions. It just kind of gives me a feeling that not only is fashion sneaking up on people, but so too is our dependence on this technology.