There have been numerous studies though out the years that has helped to determine the happiest and saddest days of the year. Unfortunately, we have one of the saddest days of the year is almost on top of us. This is January 17th. This day is the one day a year that most people feel sad, even those who are generally quite happy. Here are some reasons why this might be, and some ways to combat that sorrow the day causes.
Why It’s The Saddest Day
- This is when most people are beginning to get their bills from the holiday spending. A lot of people have put the gifts that were purchased on their credit cards, as well as traveling expenses and restaurants. All of this adds up, and this is the day that most people get to see how much they actually spent.
- This day is when most people realize that the holidays are done. The tree is done, the decorations have been put away, and there are no more holiday excitements to look forward to. The next holiday is in February, but that seems so far away by the middle of January.
- A lot of people feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that they have ahead of them due to the postponing of tasks during the holidays. This can include home improvements or chores, as well as at work tasks. Even after weeks of working, many people feel as though they will never catch up, and this leads to depression.
How to Be Happier

- Make a list of reasons to be happy, and read this list through out the day. This can help you to keep yourself optimistic and upbeat through this and other depressing days.
- Make a plan on how to pay the bills and handle the tasks. By having a plan, you can feel better knowing that you have means of handling all of the work set before you. The plan will also help you to handle all of the challenges ahead of you, and keep you in line with what you want to achieve.
- Take some time to pamper yourself. Take time at the end of the day, or the beginning if you have it, and do something that you enjoy doing. This could be as small as having a Starbucks coffee, to having a total spa day. Whatever it is, make sure you enjoy it, forget about your concerns, and relax. This is the only way to make these pampering activities truly affective.
If you experience depression on a frequent basis, feel free to talk to your doctor about this. There are plenty of medications that can help you to feel better and live healthier. No one deserves to be sad for extended periods of time. Yes, sadness happens, but if it is happening too often to you, please get help and live happier.