A lot of women use lotion frequently throughout the day. The put the lotion on after they have gotten out of the shower and dried off. They refresh the lotion several times a day and all but use lotion as a secondary scent. However, there is a right way to use lotion that can limit the number of times that you have to put lotion on your body and frees you from the eternal cycle of putting lotion on and having the skin feel dry later.
There is a small danger to using a lot of lotion. This danger comes in the form of a physical addiction to the lotion. Don’t panic when I say that. You cannot get sick by going through a lotion withdraw, but your body can show some side effects to using the lotion less often. When your body has an addiction to lotion, it will decrease the natural amount of lubrication and fluid that it sends to the skin because it gets used to you providing that through your lotion. The withdraw is a few days of your skin being a little bit dryer than normal as your body begins to reactivate its own moisture providing mechanisms.
To use lotion properly, which is to protect and put some moisture into the skin, there is a simple technique that provides lasting results and limits the chances of a lotion addiction. Simply apply the lotion immediately after the shower and before you dry off. Be sure to apply the lotion to all areas of your body. You will not need a lot and you will not need a special lotion to do this. Body creams and butters are just as effective as well. When you are done putting your lotion on, pat yourself dry with a clean towel.
The reason this method works better than the application of moisture after you are dry and throughout the day is that your skin pores are open immediately after a warm shower. This allows the lotion to penetrate deeper into the skin and protect it at a deeper level. The lotion then does not evaporate off the skin, causing further dryness and you do not have to apply it throughout the day.
There are some areas of the body that you may feel the need to put lotion on more than once a day though. These areas are those areas where the skin is under a lot of stress. Most people find that their hands need more than one application of lotion and some find that they need extra lotion on their elbows throughout the day. Feel free to put lotion on your hands and elbows if needed because the skin cycles very quickly in these areas and the hands are almost constantly exposed on a person. The frequent washing and drying of the hands will cause them to feel dry throughout the day and lotion can help them feel better.