Do you think that goatees are hot? Well many women do, as do the countless men who sport them. Even on the popular fashion blog and website, StyleList, they tagged a recent Getty photo of superstar A-lister, Brad Pitt, sporting his own brand of a goatee. But they were not so nice about what they had to say. And I quote, “While Brad’s skin still looks youthful and supple (and kissable, of course), the gray in his goatee ages his considerably. No skincare product is going to fix that.” (Here’s a link to this tidbit so you can see for yourself.)
Now on to my two cents here!
Okay first off, you don’t use skin care products to get rid of grey in a beard! How moronic is that notion? In fact, the last time I checked, hair dyes were classified as ‘hair care products.’ Also, have you considered that perhaps he does not mind the grey in his goatee? I think he looks refined, aged and sexy, and there is, I can guarantee you with all my pennies, no girl (just about) in the entire world that would ever disagree with me here! So my two cents for you Style List is twofold. One: don’t talk trash about Brad Pitt – he rocks! Two: get your facts straight, don’t mix up hair care and skin care and then expect fashion protagonists such as myself not to call you out and lambast you for it!
If he (Brad Pitt) wanted a dark goatee, he could easily call up one of his plethora of superstar stylists and have it dyed USING HAIR CARE PRODUCTS; NOT SKIN CARE PRODUCTS; as you so coyly suggest. This bantering—which I felt to be absolutely necessary here on so MANY levels—leads me to the point at hand: Goatees are sexy on most men, no matter their age, or if they have some grey in them (HINT-HINT!), and they can really augment and outline your facial features.
I have been rocking a goatee for more than a decade now, and I have always gotten compliments on it! So if you think that goatees are out, think again! Not only that, there is another added perk to these scruffy chin adages: You really cut down on shaving time. For me, I loathe the shaving process, so it’s already win-win over here!
For legal purposes, the photo above was provided courtesy of Getty.