I am back, and I have some more fashion weight loss tips to offer up to one and all. These are simple things, little changes that you can make with your eating habits that can truly offer you some serious results. They are really easy to do, and if you are serious about obtaining that waistline that you so desire, these changes are a must for all dieters who are seeking to successfully lose weight.
Choose Lower Fat Versions of the Same Foods
The easiest way, perhaps, to really cut down on the fatty foods you are eating can be accomplished by simply buying the same foods in low-fat versions. Many food producers are now making low-fat and light variants of the food products that you have grown to love. By simply changing some items on your grocery shopping list to these foods, you can greatly reduce your intake of fats and calories.
Substitute Fatty Oils and Butters for Healthier Alternatives
We are what we eat and the way we cook our foods reflects that. Instead of using fat loaded butters and cooking oils (like lard; yuck!), opt for oils like virgin olive oil instead. By making simple changes like this, you can greatly reduce the overall fat and calorie content of the foods that you are eating. Additionally, instead of frying foods, broiling them or baking them, try grilling meats, poultry and fish over an open flame. This way much of the fat is zapped by the flames licking at the meats as they cook.
Swap Junk Food and Fast Food for Heartier Fares
Junk food and fast food are some of the worst and fattiest of foods that you can consume. It’s no mystery why they are so bad for us. They are loaded with saturated fats and cholesterol and tend to be very high in calories. If you are trying to lose weight, chances are fair that you already have some undesirable pockets of fat on your body. When you ingest such fatty and calorie-rich foods daily, the first place that the fat train heads is to those areas—where the pointy fat cells mingle with their other fatty friends. Rather, make a wholesome sandwich, or eat cuts of veggies with a low-fat dipping sauce. Or enjoy great meals, like grilled chicken and white rice with a side of veggies.