According to the US government, the number one New Year’s resolution for 2010 was in fact weight loss. This really should not come as any surprise, however. This is because Americans tend to be the fattest people, per capita, in the world. With more than 40% of our society sporting bulging tummies, or what many people call the ‘spare tire’ around their midsections, one can easily denote that we all could use a little bit of working out here and there. Then comes our busy days, the daily hectic schedules that we must endure, and many of us commute to and from work, usually working in offices, or at least for a great deal of US workers. So where do you find time to workout? How do you enjoy weight loss without getting overtired? I have a simple way for you to tone your abs—and all from your office chair, no tummy tuck required.
- The office chair ab crunch. This one is so simple that you will laugh. Sit up straight with proper posture. Then squeeze your abs as you lean in and hold it, and count to three slowly. Ten reps of ten per day will make that fat trim away,
- The office chair side bar love handle destroyer. Love handles are those annoying pockets of fat around our sides, called that because people can hold onto them when they are making love. Use your office chair to get rid of them. Outstretch your arm so it is elongated and the slowly crunch to side and hold, count to three and repeat. Ten reps per side, per day, makes love handles get a divorce from your body.
- The circular super ab crunch. Lastly, pretend you are dancing while you are sitting in your office chair. Squeeze your tummy muscles hard as you make circular motions. You will feel the burn after about twenty reps. Do this three times per day, and you will really see results fast.