I did it people! I went ahead and broke my own rules, to some extent, with regards to online dating, over this past week! I have written a few prior posts regarding dating hints and tips, and rules of the thumb that should always be followed. I am pleased to inform you that I completely adhered to my “Three Easy Online Dating Tips I’ve Learned” article; which you can click the link that I have provided above to see what that post comprised.
In that article I exemplified several ways to be successful with online dating, such as the following: Use Recent Photos on Your Profile, Write a Concise & Clear Bio About Yourself & Don’t Get Discouraged by Those Who Don’t Respond. But…the story ever so thickens because I wrote another article following that which was entitled, “Four Dating Don’ts You Should Never Do!” (Click the link to see this article on online dating.) But yet, somehow, even by breaking a rule or two, it was just a magnificent date, my friends!
So manning up to the rules I broke, here we go! I stated as rule number one to, “Never talk about your ex. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is such a bad thing to do. One, you are on a date to meet them and learn more about them, not rehash negative and bad experiences you have had with love. That is a major turn-off and a big time no-no!” But the gal I met was lovely, smart, sassy and successful—and she started off the whole ex conversation. I tried to veer away from it by changing the subject, but we ended up sharing a laugh or two, finding some very special common ground, and really getting to learn more about each other. In hindsight, you should try to veer away from this, but then again, I did it and it worked this time around!
Mind you, it usually has disastrous results, however!
Rules number three and four in that article were easily followed, and worked like a charm. Those rules being, “Three” Chivalry is not dead. Guys, I know that it is not the 50s anymore, but have some class. Open the doors, get the drinks, and be attentive and focused on the girl. Always offer to pay the full bill, even if they argue otherwise. Girls have it easier than we men when on dates, that’s for sure. But playing your cards right is always smart. Four: Open your ears, not your mouth, and mind your manners. Most commonly I hear the women I know fret over men never listening to them. So this one is a no-brainer: Listen up. Then talk. Also, be mindful of your manners and the way that you present yourself; don’t talk with a mouth full of food or ask your date if they want to go heads-to-toe with a burping contest!”
So while I did break a rule here and there—and rules are generally made to be broken once in a while—I have to admit that it was the best damned date I have ever had! We are meeting up again this weekend to hang out and have some fun, too!
In summation: Go for it!
Just make sure you try and adhere to some of the rules of dating and online dating, because in my experience, it has always served me well,
I just got super lucky this time around!